Saturday, February 20, 2010

No more shopping....PLEASE!

Well, after one small fight, a pair of shoes, a necklace, a few articles of clothes from a second hand store, 'Crazy Heart' and some pizza and wine, our day is over.  And I am beat down.  Worn out.  Tired.  And don't want to go shopping for at least another month.  I really don't have much else to say.  My midnight deadline to get this posted is approaching.   I want to prove to a certain cowboy that I can get this done in time.  So, with that being said, you owe me 5 dollars for posting this before midnight.  (Sidenote: There was actually no bet made between myself and this cowboy, but I thought I would see if I could get 5 bucks out of him anyway). :)

1 comment:

  1. Five dollars, agreed. Will you accept an out of state, two party, bad check?? Providing that it is authenticicated by my unlaminated, photoless, expired driver's license??
