Monday, March 29, 2010

Everlasting Life.

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." --Matthew 5:4

My grandma passed away; it was a blessing, considering how much pain she was in and that fact that she didn't know who anyone was.  But is still doesn't diminish the sting of death.  However, its a relief to know that she is with the Lord, perfectly restored, dancing in the streets of Heaven, surrounded by the love of the King.  It puts a smile on my face and a comfort in my heart knowing that she is living in Everlasting Life; forever. 


  1. Sorry again about this homegirl. Keep smiling chica! All of us here: me, Emily, Emily, and Alan are thinking about you.

  2. I too am sorry. And I haven't been online much for the past few days so I missed it, and then I texted you this morning about something much less significant and you were amazing. Love you and thinking of you...

    Mr. Trofholz (you don't know how hard that was for me to spell just now!) - was I one of the Emilys? or do you know lots more? If I was, thanks for putting me in there - esp since I'm way behind on the times.
